Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Paris March 23

Paris doesn't have everything. But for all the things it lacks, it more than makes up for in a wide variety of interesting offerings. Today I paid one euro to use the restroom at the Louvre. Now I have used pay toilets before and I think they are a great idea especially when you have a need. This was no ordinary sterile WC where you gladly pay just to avoid a foul-smelling, sticky-underfoot (or elsewhere), and/or scary facility. This one did not resemble a restroom in any way. I followed the signs and found myself in a boutique. I exited only to find that this was indeed the destination. I returned to note that this boutique offered a wide variety of designer TP, each roll setting you back five euros, and other interesting gift items (I may have to return if I have trouble finding the perfect gift for everyone on my list). I gave my euro to a smartly dressed clerk who did her best to ignore me while directing me to the next available "stall" without making eye contact. I say "stall" because the decor was a cross between a spa and a cafe, all dark wood, scented oils, and brightly colored geometrics. For a slightly bigger pile of euros, one can receive a massage or facial. Perhaps I should consider opening a franchise in the states.

Of course, I'm off topic. I was at the Louvre, not for the art, but to visit the Apple Store. My ipod dock disappeared in transit and I desparately needed a replacement. For the price I paid, I could have replaced the whole ipod back at home. But, again, I digress.

A place that might actually make you consider committing to those airplane and hotel reservations and updating your passport is Le Cimetiere de Chiens d'Asnieres-sur-Seine, the world's oldest public pet cemetery. This is definitely a must-see for those of us who share our lives and homes with animals. My good friend, Rockell, suggested this sight and I'm glad I finally made it. The day was bright and clear but still not overly warm. In addition to the wonderful memorials to those who have dedicated themselves to our companionship, there is a group of almost-ferrel cats which have found a paradise to make themselves at home. Imagine being the living, breathing reminder of Fluffy in a place that brings out our most gentle sentiments. It's genius. This would be a welcome break for any museum-weary child. I want to also mention that it is located right between a park and the Seine, a lovely spot for a picnic on a sunny afternoon. If you've forgotten your picnic supplies, there is a Franprix on the other side of the bridge.

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