Tuesday, April 13, 2010

More and more Paris

The most iconic of Paris symbols, the Tour Eiffel, often just pops out at you when you least expect it.  It was a lovely spring day and I was once again walking all over Paris, my favorite pastime, taking a photo now and then, here and there.

I have to say that most of the truly wonderful shots get away.  It is often just too embarassing to pull out a camera.  Sometimes that embarassment is a product of my own desire to not appear to be a tourist, and sometimes it is due to other reasons.  For instance, I am amazed at the number of drunks who are passed out on the pavement with hoards of tourists stepping over and around them when the sun is out.  I hadn't witnessed this on my previous trips to Paris.  Indeed there was one such gentleman who was not only passed out on the sidewalk on the main street in the Marais, but also had his "Tour Eiffel" fully displayed.  I'm afraid he may now have a sunburn where the sun should not shine.   Let's just say that that shot got away and who would I have shared it with anyway, dear reader?

Some of the other shots that get away are due to the best vantage point being in the middle of an intersection, train track, or river.  One must be aware of mortality and the desire to live long enough to tell the tale.  So for your enjoyment, here are a few scenes of Paris in the printemps, all taken under secure circumstances.

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