Sunday, March 28, 2010

Cotignac March 28

Another beautiful day in Provence!  I slept late and was treated to fresh crepes with strawberries for breakfast.  Excitement was in the air regarding the circus that was in town. 

I took off for short walk in the hills above town, a mere 3 kilometers up to the towers above the cliffs.  The walk started at the cemetery and climbed upwards from there.  I could tell fairly early in the walk that 3 kiloometers was a strong under-estimation of the actual length this walk was going to take me.  I had a tendency to meander, starting with going the wrong direction  and ending with a number of do-overs as I tried to find my way back to town.  All in all it was a great walk.  The weather was mild and sunny, I was not tired, hungry, thirsty, or needing a restroom, so all the detours were taken in stride.

My one chore, to buy chevre on the way home, was not accomplished since the stores were all closed by the time I arrived back in town.  Such is Sunday in a small Provencal village.  That they open at all is a miracle!

What might a circus be like in a small village in France?  Well, I had the pleasure of finding out today.  My hostess and I accompanied her two children to Le Cirque in Cotignac this afternoon.  We were able to secure prime seats in the front row of the single ring for a mere twelve euros a head.  The animal acts consisted of a goat, two ponies, two llamas, and a very large snake.  The acrobats were two women, one who could do back dives from up to two meters on to a platform and another who did an aerial act.  There was a juggler (who was also the ring leader and animal trainer) and a clown.  It was great family entertainment - and at the end you could have your photo taken with the ringleader or a llama for no extra charge.  Quelle chance!

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