Friday, March 26, 2010

Lyon to Cotignac March 26

Life is good. After sleeping way too late, I picked up the little Fiat Panda from the car rental place and headed south on the A7. The autoroutes in France are actually very easy to use and should be embraced especially if you are interested in getting from one area to another in the most efficient way. If you are interested in the slow lane, avoid them. Entering the autoroute, you take a ticket similar to entering a parking garage. When you leave, you pay based on how far you have travelled. Unfortunately American credit cards don't work in the little machines, but you can pay by credit card by handing your ticket to an attendant.

The trip to Cotignac took about five hours, perhaps a bit less. Lyon was recovering from a thunderstorm, but the south was sunny and a bit warmer. I was able to find the village of Cotignac, and the parking area that my friends had written to me about. The street where their house is located is too narrow for cars, let alone parked cars.

Cotigac is charmingly located below a semi-circle of red clay cliffs that feature dwellings similar to Mesa Verde.

More tomorrow - I think I'm starting to fade.

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